Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Blog #9 Through the Lens Diffusion Theory

Social media has become one of the fastest growing outlets in the world. Now, its unheard of if you don't have some sort of social media account. The diffusion theory plays a role in social media for many factors of how I view it.

What is the diffusion theory?
The diffusion theory breaks down the process of how people perceive, process and make decisions in regards to new information and products. The way the diffusion theory is used for marketing purposes and everyday life.

How social media is used for the diffusion theory:
Social media started not so long ago. When Facebook came out, it was a small social network for college students to communicate towards each other. Now it is one of the biggest social media platforms used in the world. What drove this once small media outlet to a huge billion dollar company, was the way people viewed this invention. Technology was advancing so many people started to have computers, this helped people become aware with Facebook and whose using it. Once people started becoming aware of it and how it could be beneficial to them, they decided to use it. Facebook started out as a really good thing for people to stay in contact and communicate towards each other.

Who adopted it?
As I mentioned earlier, computers were advancing and becoming more popular to have. These early adopters were college students and they were the ones who first had Facebook. Not to mention, this platform was only suppose to be used for college students. I think after the popularity of Facebook grew, so many people wanted to get on the bandwagon with it because of how beneficial and useful this platform can be. Now with Facebook, you can communicate to relatives and friends all around the world.

What I think
Inventions like Facebook was a great thing. Whenever I use Facebook, it's nice to see how my friends and family are while I'm away at school and cannot see them. I am up to date with how they are and what they are doing. Although these are mostly positives, there also is a huge negative. Facebook slowly stops us from having privacy. They are constantly tracking our every little moves and selling our data. It's scary that we don't have a say in what they can see and what they cant see but that is what happens when you accept their privacy settings. I do think that there needs to be a change in how Facebook is seeing our information and what they are doing with it, but overall the way inventions are adopted and introduced will always be a fascinating topic.

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