Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Blog #8 EOTO Theories

 One of theories that interested me the most happened to me my theory: Overton Window

I liked learning about this theory because I had no idea it existed before, and it has had a significant impact on America and our rights as citizens. The way Americans think about things changes throughout time, and the perspectives of society have an impact on how our rights are established. The Overton Window Theory has made a huge impact on the way our laws are today.

What is the Overton Window Theory?

The Overton Window theory is a range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept. The core concept is that politicians are limited in what policy ideas they can support. They typically only pursue or support policies that are widely accepted throughout society.Other policy ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if they choose these ideas. These policies are whats considered laying outside the Overton Window. However, the Overton Window can fluctuate and expand, allowing leaders to endorse more or fewer ideas without jeopardizing their electoral support. It is possible for politicians to move the Overton Window by courageously endorsing a policy that is outside the window, but this is uncommon. More often than not, the window moves due to a far more complicated and dynamic process, one that is difficult to regulate from afar: the gradual evolution of society values and standards.


Who came up with the idea for the Overton Window? 

Joseph P. Overton, who was senior vice president at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy at the time of his death in 2003, created the Overton Window in the mid-1990s. 


  • In the United States, the idea of different races mixing in public or women’s suffrage were once considered extreme policies. Now they are deemed common sense. This reflects progress in shifting the Overton window.

  • Same sex marrage used to be frowned upon. With people becoming more accepting and same sex marrage becoming more popular, it has shifted the Overton window. Now same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states

How to shift the Overton Window:

The most common misconception is that lawmakers themselves are in the business of shifting the Overton window. That is absolutely false. Lawmakers are actually in the business of detecting where the window is, and then moving to be in accordance with it.

- Joseph Lehman

To be successful in their advocacy, think tanks and social movements must alter the Overton window, just as politicians must pinpoint the window. They must persuade voters that policies that are not in the window should be included.

My thoughts on this theory:

Overall, I believe this theory is significant and beneficial. Since this theory was introduced, Americans have accomplished a great deal, and it was commonly utilized even before it became a theory. As I earlier mentioned, women's suffrage and mixing races were frowned upon. These disapprovals became a reality as society got more sensitive and discovered common sense. There has been many benefits with the use of The Overton Window and it has made so much progress for Americans rights.

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