Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Blog #11 In The Age of AI

 When Professor Smith put on this video, I instantly knew I'd be intrigued. Our world has made huge accomplishments over the past 100 years. Technology has been introduced and it is increasing daily. Although I believe technology has made a positive impact in the world today, I think it the way it's taking over so quickly needs to change. This video has significantly shifted my view towards technology. 

What I've learned:

Automation has been a silent job killer. Automation is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. Jobs are slowly going away because robots are now doing the jobs humans would be doing. Since things are being produced faster, they need more growth in other areas so the use of robots have been helpful for these companies.

Since automation, the standard living has dropped from 10-15%. People are quickly losing jobs because robots are starting to take over and take their jobs away from them. Companies don't need to pay employees because of these robots. They are basically working for free and at a faster rate. Because of the drop of standard living, people are also at a greater risk of mortality if they lose their job due to automation. For example, Cardiovascular disease, depression and even suicide. Parents who lose their jobs because of automation see their kids likely to repeat a grade, drop out of school and get in trouble.

What scared me:
All though hearing about automation, this video touched upon various platforms taking advantage of us. Whenever we search and browse on the internet, we are leaving digital traces of our behavior. Google realized this and they needed to do something about it. The creation of algorithms was introduced. Algorithms are fine grained predictions of what ad a user would click on. What scares me with this is that Google is taking away our privacy by creating a way for them to see the interactions we make on the internet. It's scary that they can see our every move.

Overall this video was very beneficial for me to see. It shaped me to believing that I need to be more safe online considering people can see my every move. It also taught me about automation and how it is quickly becoming an issue in our world.

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