Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Blog #7 Privacy Online & Off


This week our Media Law and Literacy class was assigned 4 TED talks to watch. All of them were interesting and were a wake up call for us Americans. One that caught my eye was "Your Online Life, A Permanent Tattoo." - Juan Enriquez. 

How it related to me

We are constantly hearing from our parents and peers that what you put online stays online. This is real and true. Everything we put online is a "electronic tattoo." They stay forever. As Enriquez stated, "Because of electronic tattoos, maybe all of you and all of us are closer to immortality. Because these tattoos will live far longer than our bodies will." This reminded me of what our parents and peers say. Once we're dead, the things we post online are still going to be out there for the world to see. 

Now, because of the platforms I have and the need to be careful with what I post, this TED talk was particularly relevant to me. Pictures from 2015 appear when you search my name on Google. It amazes me that these photos from so long ago are still on display for all to see. This makes me want to be careful with what I upload so that no negative photographs with my name on them end up on the internet. This has an impact on employment; for example, if a potential employer googled my name and found negative images of me, it would have an impact on my employment and I would not be considered for that position. It's critical to be cautious about what you post online and offline.

What the government should be doing

I believe that mistakes do occur, such as when you share a picture of yourself with alcohol while under the age of 21 or when you are visible in the background of a film where alcohol is present. This is when I believe there should be a change in what can and cannot be shared on the internet. It is unjust to penalize someone for an accident. But, if you want to put something out there and are happy with it for a period of time, I believe it is fair for it to be on the internet indefinitely. You chose to put it out there voluntarily; now, if you regret it afterwards, I feel you must bear the repercussions.

What can we do to protect ourselves

We can do a lot to protect ourselves from privacy invasion. Going offline on all social media networks would be the simplest option. That is a common path taken by many people. If you don't want to take that chance, just be cautious about what you put online. It lasts indefinitely and has a significant impact on a variety of factors. This article shares a lot of information of how to be mindful when sharing online.

Blog #9 Through the Lens Diffusion Theory

Social media has become one of the fastest growing outlets in the world. Now, its unheard of if you don't have some sort of social media account. The diffusion theory plays a role in social media for many factors of how I view it.

What is the diffusion theory?
The diffusion theory breaks down the process of how people perceive, process and make decisions in regards to new information and products. The way the diffusion theory is used for marketing purposes and everyday life.

How social media is used for the diffusion theory:
Social media started not so long ago. When Facebook came out, it was a small social network for college students to communicate towards each other. Now it is one of the biggest social media platforms used in the world. What drove this once small media outlet to a huge billion dollar company, was the way people viewed this invention. Technology was advancing so many people started to have computers, this helped people become aware with Facebook and whose using it. Once people started becoming aware of it and how it could be beneficial to them, they decided to use it. Facebook started out as a really good thing for people to stay in contact and communicate towards each other.

Who adopted it?
As I mentioned earlier, computers were advancing and becoming more popular to have. These early adopters were college students and they were the ones who first had Facebook. Not to mention, this platform was only suppose to be used for college students. I think after the popularity of Facebook grew, so many people wanted to get on the bandwagon with it because of how beneficial and useful this platform can be. Now with Facebook, you can communicate to relatives and friends all around the world.

What I think
Inventions like Facebook was a great thing. Whenever I use Facebook, it's nice to see how my friends and family are while I'm away at school and cannot see them. I am up to date with how they are and what they are doing. Although these are mostly positives, there also is a huge negative. Facebook slowly stops us from having privacy. They are constantly tracking our every little moves and selling our data. It's scary that we don't have a say in what they can see and what they cant see but that is what happens when you accept their privacy settings. I do think that there needs to be a change in how Facebook is seeing our information and what they are doing with it, but overall the way inventions are adopted and introduced will always be a fascinating topic.

Blog #6 What I learned Technology

I'm always amazed at how far technology has progressed over time. The iPhone, I feel, was one of the most significant breakthroughs. To me, the evolution of telephone usage is mind-boggling. From no buttons to touch screens, we've come a long way. The telephone, in my opinion, was the most significant technological advancement.

How it started:

 Steve Job co founded Apple with Steve Wozniak in 1976. Little did they know this company would change the world of technology. The iPhone was the first smartphone with built-in functions. When the Iphone was ready it was priced at $499 and $599, for 4GB and 8GB models. Apple made a victory after they sold 1.39 million iPhones in after their first launch in 2007. 

What has changed

Since this device was first released, a lot has changed. There was an introduction of a new mode of communication. Before the iPhone, smartphones did not have the distinguishing functions that they do now. Consider FaceTime. On your phone, you may now see anybody you want to talk to. Jobs were created, and the development and market for cellphones were transformed. Apple currently has over 34 iPhone models and continues to release new ones.

Is there a problem?

Yes, this invention has improved technology and communication, and it is gradually changing our life. Generation Z was born into the world of the iPhone, and they were the first to grasp its significance. Despite the fact that they were aware of them, no one had any control over how or when they were used. Iphone addiction has progressed to the point that it is causing sadness and other mental health difficulties. Yes, technological advancements bring numerous benefits, but they can also bring drawbacks.

Blog #5 Anti War

 Today in class, we spoke about how the media reports on conflict. I believe that the media is constantly viewing the negatives and sometimes forgets the positives. Sometimes I think it's to keep us Americans to remember that bad things can happen and we must be cautious, but the other times I think it's for the views. When the media speaks upon war it's almost always negative and sometimes false news. Yes I it is horrible seeing countries go into war but if we hear false information about it, we start to believe it. 

The Antiwar and American Conservative Website

The globe hides a lot from us Americans, and I believe these two websites were well hidden enough that they escaped my notice, as well as the notice of many others. There is a significant distinction between these two websites. The Antiwar Website appears to be untrustworthy, whilst the American Conservative Website appears to be normal. I would instantly not listen to the Antiwar and instead listen to the American Conservative Website if I discovered these websites before reading this blog post. I feel that the type of media we consume has an impact on our beliefs.

Seeking out to hear more voices

The United States of America is an extremely opinionated culture. It's difficult to express yourself online because you can easily have them removed or face retaliation. It's unfortunate that we can't always reveal our actual voices, which brings us to these websites to express our opinions. People are fleeing to another channel, I believe, because they have a strong opinion on something and the things they say can be offensive. People these days are extremely sensitive, which prevents them from expressing their feelings and beliefs.

What I think

These websites, in my opinion, are a fantastic way for people to express their opinions and ideals on various topics. Although I believe some of the content is wrong, they are free to say anything they want. (As much as the 1st Amendment will allow.) However, if these websites become more popular, there is definitely a problem that must be addressed. Americans have the right to their opinions; don't ban them from expressing them online and receiving blowback as a result.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Blog #11 In The Age of AI

 When Professor Smith put on this video, I instantly knew I'd be intrigued. Our world has made huge accomplishments over the past 100 years. Technology has been introduced and it is increasing daily. Although I believe technology has made a positive impact in the world today, I think it the way it's taking over so quickly needs to change. This video has significantly shifted my view towards technology. 

What I've learned:

Automation has been a silent job killer. Automation is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. Jobs are slowly going away because robots are now doing the jobs humans would be doing. Since things are being produced faster, they need more growth in other areas so the use of robots have been helpful for these companies.

Since automation, the standard living has dropped from 10-15%. People are quickly losing jobs because robots are starting to take over and take their jobs away from them. Companies don't need to pay employees because of these robots. They are basically working for free and at a faster rate. Because of the drop of standard living, people are also at a greater risk of mortality if they lose their job due to automation. For example, Cardiovascular disease, depression and even suicide. Parents who lose their jobs because of automation see their kids likely to repeat a grade, drop out of school and get in trouble.

What scared me:
All though hearing about automation, this video touched upon various platforms taking advantage of us. Whenever we search and browse on the internet, we are leaving digital traces of our behavior. Google realized this and they needed to do something about it. The creation of algorithms was introduced. Algorithms are fine grained predictions of what ad a user would click on. What scares me with this is that Google is taking away our privacy by creating a way for them to see the interactions we make on the internet. It's scary that they can see our every move.

Overall this video was very beneficial for me to see. It shaped me to believing that I need to be more safe online considering people can see my every move. It also taught me about automation and how it is quickly becoming an issue in our world.

Blog #8 EOTO Theories

 One of theories that interested me the most happened to me my theory: Overton Window

I liked learning about this theory because I had no idea it existed before, and it has had a significant impact on America and our rights as citizens. The way Americans think about things changes throughout time, and the perspectives of society have an impact on how our rights are established. The Overton Window Theory has made a huge impact on the way our laws are today.

What is the Overton Window Theory?

The Overton Window theory is a range of ideas the public is willing to consider and accept. The core concept is that politicians are limited in what policy ideas they can support. They typically only pursue or support policies that are widely accepted throughout society.Other policy ideas exist, but politicians risk losing popular support if they choose these ideas. These policies are whats considered laying outside the Overton Window. However, the Overton Window can fluctuate and expand, allowing leaders to endorse more or fewer ideas without jeopardizing their electoral support. It is possible for politicians to move the Overton Window by courageously endorsing a policy that is outside the window, but this is uncommon. More often than not, the window moves due to a far more complicated and dynamic process, one that is difficult to regulate from afar: the gradual evolution of society values and standards.


Who came up with the idea for the Overton Window? 

Joseph P. Overton, who was senior vice president at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy at the time of his death in 2003, created the Overton Window in the mid-1990s. 


  • In the United States, the idea of different races mixing in public or women’s suffrage were once considered extreme policies. Now they are deemed common sense. This reflects progress in shifting the Overton window.

  • Same sex marrage used to be frowned upon. With people becoming more accepting and same sex marrage becoming more popular, it has shifted the Overton window. Now same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states

How to shift the Overton Window:

The most common misconception is that lawmakers themselves are in the business of shifting the Overton window. That is absolutely false. Lawmakers are actually in the business of detecting where the window is, and then moving to be in accordance with it.

- Joseph Lehman

To be successful in their advocacy, think tanks and social movements must alter the Overton window, just as politicians must pinpoint the window. They must persuade voters that policies that are not in the window should be included.

My thoughts on this theory:

Overall, I believe this theory is significant and beneficial. Since this theory was introduced, Americans have accomplished a great deal, and it was commonly utilized even before it became a theory. As I earlier mentioned, women's suffrage and mixing races were frowned upon. These disapprovals became a reality as society got more sensitive and discovered common sense. There has been many benefits with the use of The Overton Window and it has made so much progress for Americans rights.

Blog #10 What I learned EOTO

Technology has gradually taken over our society, particularly since the introduction of social media in the last decade. Technology growth has been both good and frightening.

The Online Influencer presentation was one of the most engaging and one that I could relate to the most. Because I grew up in the world of "influencers" starting, I believe this one spoke to me deeply. They began as social media became widely used. I grew up during the rise of social media and witnessed its development. Online influencing offers a series of advantages for businesses and brands, and it is one of the most often used marketing methods. There are certain benefits to online influencing, but there are also some drawbacks.

What is an Online Influencer?

Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing that involves product placement and endorsements from individuals and organizations.

Types of influencers:

Nano Influencers- 10,000 followers

Micro Influencers- 10k-100k followers

Macro Influencers- 100k- 1 million followers

Mega Influencers- 1 million + followers

As I stated earlier, there are of course the positive impacts online influencing has brought us but there are also the downsides.

Positive impacts:

-Bring awareness to important issues

- Expose us to diversity

- Niche Marketing

Negative impacts:

-Mental health issues


-Niche Marketing

Global impacts:

-Global Marketing

- Creation of new jobs

- Impacts on marketing and advertising

What I think of this:

I believe that online influencing has made a significant contribution to our society. It has become a major source of income for many people and has had a significant impact on many enterprises, both large and small. I believe that as time passes and social media evolves, internet influencing will become increasingly important. I believe that online influence is beneficial. However, one of the disadvantages of it is the mental health element, which I strongly oppose. Many people, including influencers, have been wrecked by social media, and it is upsetting that this can have a negative impact on their lives.I believe that there should be a safe haven for these influencers where they may feel protected and secure. For example workshops for them to take or even a help line.

Blog #7 Privacy Online & Off

  This week our Media Law and Literacy class was assigned 4 TED talks to watch. All of them were interesting and were a wake up call for us ...