Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blog Post #3 Eight Values of Free Expression- Individual Self-Fulfillment

Personally, the First Amendment is one of the most important rights we as Americans have. We are so lucky to have the First Amendment because it protects us from what we say. One of the Eight Values of Free Expression that resonates to me the most is Individual Self-Fulfillment.

What is Individual Self-Fulfillment?
It basically means that free speech allows us to be who we are. It helps us express ourselves and promotes our identity.

Why it's important to me:
Everyone has the right to express themselves they way they want to be seen. Luckily the First Amendment comes to hand in protecting the rights of individuals when they are expressing themselves. Individual Self-Fulfillment indicates that when we express ourselves it creates a path of recognition and identification of ourselves. The government cannot stop us from the way we express ourselves or the opinions we have. That's what makes Americans rights so special. Unlike many other countries we aren't forced to believe one thing without having an option on another. This is why Individual Self-Fulfillment is so important to me. We have the freedom to express ourselves the way we want and have our own opinions without being shut out.

Why I find it personal:
Growing up in a household with an Italian Dad and Jewish Mom changed the way I spoke and perceived things. Especially living on Long Island. I am not saying that I cussed but it changed the way I expressed myself. Italians are loud, I got that from my Dad. Even though my parents were both brought up differently, it shaped the way I am. This has made me more confident in the way I speak to others, and has helped me find my identity. As I got older I becoming more educated with what is happening around the world. It has shifted my opinions and I'm proud to be able to think the way I want without being stopped. It is important for us to have a voice and share it.

How it affects today:
The 2020 election was one of the most the most important election for me because I was of age to vote for the first time. As Americans we are allowed to have our own opinions. When I shared on Social Media who I wanted to win, I lost followers and got yelled at by people who didn't have the same opinion as me. It is totally fine to share different views but when you take it to a different level and get called words that don't define you, that's when I have a problem with Individual Self-Fulfillment. I am here for sharing our own opinions, I don't judge anyone or will "unfollow them." But it is important to express ourselves and if people are shutting others out because their beliefs don't align, then that isn't right. There has been many societal issues for the last 2 years and we should have the right to communicate our opinions without being shut out by people. It is sad that we are being judged from other Americans for just our beliefs. The Constitution has created our freedom to be able to express ourselves, it shouldn't create unnecessary problems.

We are so lucky to be given the First Amendment. Out of all of the Eight Values of Free Expression, I value Individual Self-Fulfillment the most.

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