Sunday, March 27, 2022

Blog Post #2 Supreme Court

1. What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?

    I don't remember a lot of what I have learned in High School when speaking about the Supreme Court. This video has made me remember a lot of what I have learned but I don't remember learning that the Justices can switch sides during difficult cases. I thought they were suppose to have one stance and that's what they are believing in and going with. Since they do have the ability to switch sides I think that is great because it shows more of a perspective to what's going on and that the Justice is really taking into consideration all of the details.

2. What is the most important take-away point about the Supreme Court?

    The most important take-away point about the Supreme Court was that they all respect each other even though they may believe differently. Justice John Paul Stevens states, "We disagree as you know on very fundamental things from time to time, but we really all share the same basic objectives and we all respect one another's good faith in trying to achieve that overall objective." It's important to know that even though they may not share the same values, they still respect each other because they are all trying to do the same objective.

3. What was the most surprising thing you learned?

    What surprised me was the process of the Supreme Court Justices receiving the cases. It's done in such an organized and routined way. It was interesting to see how many cases they receive, and how many cases they have to go through per week, and the process of receiving the cases.

4. How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?

    The video changes the way I thought of the Supreme Court because even though I have learned about it in my classes in High School, I didn't think that they were such a big deal. Now 3 years later and paying attention to the media has definitely shifted my thoughts of the Supreme Court. This video has too. In High School we didn't really dive deep into the Supreme Court and this video intrigued my interest in the Justices because I was actually listening to them speak. When they are sharing their perspectives on the constitution it is so interesting and brings a lot of honor to the rights we have today.

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